A Customised approach to Transport that DELIVERS Results Fast!
Our History
Alvaro Transport was founded in 1978 by Antonio Alvaro with one truck contracted to ACI Formould. In 1997 Mario Alvaro took over the reigns from his ailing father and from humble beginnings with a grounding in good old fashioned service and a determination to succeed, Alvaro Transport began to emerge as one of the fastest growing privately owned fleets in the country.
With their focus on Customer Service, Alvaro Transport has progressively built and grown it's own unique Customised Logistics Model to deliver results fast. Incorporating key components of operational expertise together with a vast range of services, infrastructure, technology solutions and a custom built fleet that will simply become an extension of your business.This customised approach can ultimately reduce your distribution costs whilst maintaining your professional image, together with our Customer Care Policy that goes beyond your customers expectations.
With it's nucleus in Sydney, Alvaro Transport provides Contract Management and Warehouse Solutions with a custom built fleet for each of it's clients needs. Essentially they make sure all the peices fit and you get the results you want. Providing a customised approach that delivers results fast that have been proven through long term partnerships with customers in steel, FMCG, plumbing industries and container handling with complete distribution facilities amongst many others.